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Textbooks and Solar Lamps for quality education at Hope Academy

“Hope students have time use the books in the library to supplement on what the teachers teach in the class. However, the books are insufficient for the growing number of the students.”…Thaddeus Kweyamba, the Headmaster Imagine going through school without access to textbooks, yet you have to study for national exams and compete with students in rich […]

Sharing with Orphans: URF villages donating food for kids at the orphanage

Families in villages URF supports are donating food every two weeks to share with the children at the orphanage. Foods such as cassava, potatoes, bananas, beans, corn and various fruits have been generously donated by various families. If we all chip in to help one another, I believe that we do have the potential as Ugandans […]

Leadership foundation at the grassroots: grooming leaders within communities

At URF, we believe that without good leadership, our communities can not see any form of sustainable development. The people have to be empowered to be the champions of change within their communities. As a result, URF has established a Leadership Institute to advance this vision. Workshops on leadership are rotated in each village and […]

While building a house is an unforgettable experience for a girl from Boston, it was definitely the students who made it more memorable and so far the highlight of my trip.

“The thing that amazed me the most was the amount of effort and energy the students brought. This was a Saturday, their day off from work and school, and they voluntarily came to help this poor old women.”..Naomi Naomi Plasky is a URF volunteer from Boston, MA (USA) teaching at Hope Academy. She writes about […]

Joy of a new HOUSE for granny Berna – thanks to URF supporters

Living in a dilapidated house with fears of collapsing any day was an experience that characterized granny Berna’s life for the past several years. It has all come to an end and now she celebrates the joys of living in a new simple, but comfortable house. Thanks to all our supporters, URF staff, Hope Academy […]

Sports at Hope Academy: Building character and leadership – being a winner, losing gracefully, and setting goals

“I think sports are so important — although education and work are vital for a child’s development (and of course responsibilities must be met), being active and taking time to let go and have some fun are also essential. “– Katie Michelle Thompton   Katie reflects on sports and life at Hope Academy during her second […]

Generating income while learning a skill: students making beads (for jewelry) from recycled paper

In an effort to impart practical skills in students going through Hope Academy, we established the Creative Arts and Crafts Center which offers training in various crafts, painting, music, dance and drama. In the picture on the right are some of the students at Hope Integrated academy, Jane (tailor) and Flavia being involved in making beads […]

Wishing S.4 class success in their national exams during October and November

It’s that season of the year when students completing O’level and A’level have to reap what they sowed in the past four or two years respectively. This year’s class of 24 students is Hope Academy’s third graduating class since the school started in 2008. So far, there has been a steady improvement in academic performance […]

Enrollment rises to 62 pupils at St. Mary Junior Academy

A community school, just a few months in operation is seeing gradual increase in enrollment. St. Mary Junior Academy was started as a community effort by parents of the Gankanga and surrounding villages in collaboration with URF. Parents committed to staffing and supporting their school as an investment in their children’s education. So far, three teachers […]

A village pledges to build a house for a granny: seeks help with roofing, door, windows

  Lwetamu village has committed to building a house for granny whose old house is crumbling.  This granny, Berna lives alone. She lost all the seven children she had and her husband. The community has pledged material to build her a new house and is seeking URF assisting with funds for roof, windows, door, nails. URF Kampala chapter […]