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Baby Farouk recovering from malnutrition

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Baby Farouk recovering from malnutrition

Baby Farouk’s shiny face! He was admitted at the hospital due to malnutrition. Just after one week in the hospital under the intensive nutrition program, Farouk is is already making steady progress and is looking great as you can see in the photo on the left. The condition at home was not good. Farouk’s mom […]

Tina’s big smile despite medical complications

Tina’s big smile despite medical complications

Little Tina is 9 years and had surgery on her back before she was one month old. However, she walks with crutches and her medical complications are not over yet. Tina’s operation resulted in some complications and she can’t walk; she uses crutches and her back is so bent. Tina needs to be in diapers […]

Divine healing after surgery

Divine healing after surgery

Divine had surgery on his leg on August 07th at CORSU hospital and is now in recovery. Please keep him in your prayers. He was having so much pain in his legs as they would keep closing tight and stiff. So they operated him on the pelvic area. We hope this will help. Divine is […]

Baby Samuel bouncing back from severe malnutrition

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Baby Samuel bouncing back from severe malnutrition

Baby Samuel is making steady progress. As you can see his cute face is shining. He is putting on some little weight slowly. There has been a huge improvement since we meet him a few weeks ago. He is suffering from severe malnutrition. Samuel was discharged on Thursday 06/18/2020 after spending a week at the […]

Baby Medrine battling with spina bifida

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Baby Medrine battling with spina bifida

Baby Medrine is only 6 weeks old and already a fighter — but needs our prayers 🙏. She has meningocele (spina bifida), a condition of a spinal cord not forming properly during the child’s early development. There is a risk of not being able to walk or stand properly, and also of the hydrocephalus condition. She […]

Aaron is fighting kidney cancer: lack of $15 for transport prevented him from receiving early treatment

Aaron is fighting kidney cancer: lack of $15 for transport prevented him from receiving early treatment

Aaron was diagnosed with cancer at a regional hospital in September but the mother couldn’t find $15 for transport to get to the Cancer Institute in Kampala and now both kidneys are affected. It’s a tragedy! We got Aaron to Kampala last week and he has started treatment. His life is in God’s hands; cancer […]

Nurturing children’s talent through music:  music video production

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Nurturing children’s talent through music: music video production

At Hope, we strive to provide holistic education with the goal of preparing children to succeed in life. We provide opportunities for children to discover and develop talents through extra-curricular programs such as music, sports, arts, and vocational training. In December 2019, the Hope Junior School choir produced two songs at a professional recording studio. […]